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How to Burglarproof Your Home with Shatterproof Glass

How can you burglarproof your home with shatterproof glass?

  1. Examine your windows
  2. Contact the experts
  3. Take extra precautionary measures


As a homeowner, you won’t be able to sleep at night without the comfort of knowing that your house is safe and sound. Same goes when you’re out to work, or have to leave town for a few days. One practical and vital countermeasure: burglar-proof your windows. This is critical in securing and protecting your home from any intruders and trespassers. If you (and you should) make this upgrade, replace your window panes with shatterproof glass as soon as you can. We’ll discuss how it’s the best way to protect you and your loved ones from an untimely break-in.


Examine your windows

Why the windows? They are the most vulnerable part of your home. The thin glass only takes a few seconds to penetrate and break, buying time for the criminals to loot your belongings and hatch their escape plan. Unsecured, they also serve as multiple entry points to your home. What’s more, there are numerous ways to reduce the noise of shattering – a large damp towel can cushion a portion of the glass shards, for instance.

The windows also place your house interior on display for the public to view. Those with criminal intent can do a preliminary scan of how your furniture is situated, your daily patterns and behaviors, and what high-value items can be pilfered. Should a break-in be attempted, your windows are the easiest and most efficient gateway to enter through.

As early as you can, you should augment your most exposed windows of opportunity, if not all, with shatterproof glass. It is made of plastic plates and resin, or a laminated interlayer of elastic polymers, nestled inside two glass panels to prevent instantaneous shattering. Excessive external blunt or piercing force results in the glass cracking into a web-like pattern at most, but does not create any openings or holes where the trespasser can lodge his hand in and open the window latch from inside. It will remain as one solid sheet of glass.

It will take a large amount of pounding and smashing before the first layer comes off – and by that time any other people outside, roving law enforcement, or your own security measures can kick in and alert the authorities about a possible break-in. The burglar-proof windows give people who happen to be inside ample time to contact any emergency hotlines to call for help or take necessary defensive measures.


Contact the Experts

All it takes to add this important safety and security deterrent is a call to your local shatterproof glass supplier and arrange for an assessment/ocular of your house and all its windows. They will be able to identify the primary security risks that can be helped along by installing a layer of shatterproof glass. After all, you wouldn’t want to scrimp on the safety of your family, and all your prized possessions and devices.


Take extra precautionary measures

To truly burglar-proof your windows, you also have to take some extra precautionary measures in ensuring that you decrease the chances of theft taking place in your residence.

Consider installing bars or grills on the most prominent windows of your house as an added safety measure. Solid metal obstructions will only improve your indoor security. While they may also obstruct your view of the streets, think that it goes both ways. But make sure that you take into account your municipality’s fire code and identify the fire exits before you do this!

A trusty motion detection/sensor system for when you are away from the vicinity can also aid in the immediate response and reporting of any anomalous movement. Paired with a webcam set-up facing strategic access points, it will allow you to monitor all unauthorized activity on the premises.

You should also obscure the view of potential opportunists. Install blinds or one-way tinting to your windows if possible. Or you can discourage them altogether. Remove valuables and expensive appliances from outsiders’ direct line of sight. The last thing you want is to entice malicious elements to make your home a viable target for the burglary.


Key Takeaway

These incidents happen to the most unsuspecting people, so don’t be part of the statistic. Reach out to a trusted glass supplier; invest in making your burglar-proof your windows by installing shatterproof glass.

A little home security improvement, even just to the windows, spells the vast difference between a good night’s sleep, and a torturous night in the precinct reporting all your lost possessions and valuables.