Tag: Glass Supplier Philippines

Things You Need to Know About Recycling Glass

Things You Need To Know About Recycling Glass

What are the things you need to know about recycling glass?

  1. Why Glass is Great for Recycling
  2. The Glass Recycling Cycle
  3. How to do it the right way


If you want to extend your help and get into the recycling movement, then you are doing the industry (and the world) a great favor by contributing to the Glass Recycling Cycle. In your own small way, you are lessening the production of industrial and commercial waste by making sure that we are not adding to the metric tons of waste that become environmentally destructive landfills. Let’s shed a little light on the importance of glass and the process of glass recycling.


Why Glass is Great for Recycling

Why Glass Is Great For Recycling

Why Glass? Glass has very high utility and is one of the only materials that are fully reusable without any losses and deterioration in purity and overall composition.

Manufacturers can repurpose recycled glass and recover close to 100% of the raw materials needed for their finished products. In fact, recycled glass is often used in the recipe for glass production and decreases the work needed to be exerted by furnaces and machines, largely reducing energy consumption in the process.


The Glass Recycling Cycle

So where does my collection of glass bottles and jars really go?

First, all the recyclable glass items are brought to local curbside bins, ideally already segregated for ease of categorization later on in the process. If available, there are also business recycling containers that follow a similar flow. They are brought to local recycling drop-off locations to join a mass collection of all recycled materials from various areas.

After they are all collected, they are delivered to a Material Recovery Facility (or an MRF). From here on, the materials are categorized and segregated by type, whether it’s for plastic, glass, etc.

Now we follow the travel path of the glass collectibles, as they are shipped off for the next procedure to a specialized glass processing company. From here we remove and separate any glass contaminants, for effective and ideal reuse and repurposing of other interested parties. Further along, they are sorted by color. This is done to make sure that the glass can be made into the correct specifications of the company who will purchase the glass items for their own manufacturing and production. For example, if their brand needs clear bottles, then any speck of color or tint will be rendered unusable.

Then the glass is molded and formed by the respective glass container manufacturers and forwarded in bulk to the interested companies as new bottles and jars, just as needed and specified. They are prepared as “cullets”, the term coined by the industry for purified, contaminant-free, furnace-ready recycled glass.

Down the line, these bottles and jars are filled with the commercial beverages and bottled food that we the consumers enjoy. After they are consumed, we do our part and go back to step one and deposit the recyclable glass items to the respective waste bins to continue the glass recycling cycle.


How to do it the right way

How To Do It The Right Way

First off, you have to help the cycle along in every possible way and make it easier for our recycling services to do their job. If you have the option, always dispose of your glass in the correct disposal bin. Furthermore, you should separate glass used as containers for drinks and food from those that are used for windows and glass panels, etc. They have a different chemical composition after use, as industrial glass is treated with chemicals, which give them different temperature thresholds and melting points vis-à-vis a bottle of soda.

You can also separate them by color and transparency, as they are intended for reuse by companies who already produce uniform re-bottling and packaging units on a massive scale. Clearly, if they sell and market green-colored bottles, then they would opt to repurpose glass of the same shade.

To maintain its integrity, try to keep your recyclable bottles in one piece, unbroken. Not all the repurposing companies have the machinery to completely melt and restructure these bottles so you’ll know it will be of better utility when you can retain its original state.

In line with that, go the extra mile and clean the bottles before sending them out to the trash bins or to your local recycler. It may have contaminants and other elements that will deter the process and add an extra step to the recycling process, which you can definitely help with a simple, thoughtful rinse.


Key Takeaway

With a small change in your daily habits and a little bit of awareness, you can make a major contribution to the preservation environment. Next time you empty out a glass bottle or jar at home, think of how you can be a part of the greater good and make a huge difference to the bigger picture, by just sending it off to the right waste bin, and back into the cycle.

How to Burglarproof Your Home with Shatterproof Glass

How To Burglarproof Your Home With Shatterproof Glass

How can you burglarproof your home with shatterproof glass?

  1. Examine your windows
  2. Contact the experts
  3. Take extra precautionary measures


As a homeowner, you won’t be able to sleep at night without the comfort of knowing that your house is safe and sound. Same goes when you’re out to work, or have to leave town for a few days. One practical and vital countermeasure: burglar-proof your windows. This is critical in securing and protecting your home from any intruders and trespassers. If you (and you should) make this upgrade, replace your window panes with shatterproof glass as soon as you can. We’ll discuss how it’s the best way to protect you and your loved ones from an untimely break-in.


Examine your windows

Pool Terrace And Pink Floating Duck In Infinity Swimming Pool

Why the windows? They are the most vulnerable part of your home. The thin glass only takes a few seconds to penetrate and break, buying time for the criminals to loot your belongings and hatch their escape plan. Unsecured, they also serve as multiple entry points to your home. What’s more, there are numerous ways to reduce the noise of shattering – a large damp towel can cushion a portion of the glass shards, for instance.

The windows also place your house interior on display for the public to view. Those with criminal intent can do a preliminary scan of how your furniture is situated, your daily patterns and behaviors, and what high-value items can be pilfered. Should a break-in be attempted, your windows are the easiest and most efficient gateway to enter through.

As early as you can, you should augment your most exposed windows of opportunity, if not all, with shatterproof glass. It is made of plastic plates and resin, or a laminated interlayer of elastic polymers, nestled inside two glass panels to prevent instantaneous shattering. Excessive external blunt or piercing force results in the glass cracking into a web-like pattern at most, but does not create any openings or holes where the trespasser can lodge his hand in and open the window latch from inside. It will remain as one solid sheet of glass.

It will take a large amount of pounding and smashing before the first layer comes off – and by that time any other people outside, roving law enforcement, or your own security measures can kick in and alert the authorities about a possible break-in. The burglar-proof windows give people who happen to be inside ample time to contact any emergency hotlines to call for help or take necessary defensive measures.


Contact the Experts

All it takes to add this important safety and security deterrent is a call to your local shatterproof glass supplier and arrange for an assessment/ocular of your house and all its windows. They will be able to identify the primary security risks that can be helped along by installing a layer of shatterproof glass. After all, you wouldn’t want to scrimp on the safety of your family, and all your prized possessions and devices.


Take extra precautionary measures

Empty Door In Living Room Interior Background

To truly burglar-proof your windows, you also have to take some extra precautionary measures in ensuring that you decrease the chances of theft taking place in your residence.

Consider installing bars or grills on the most prominent windows of your house as an added safety measure. Solid metal obstructions will only improve your indoor security. While they may also obstruct your view of the streets, think that it goes both ways. But make sure that you take into account your municipality’s fire code and identify the fire exits before you do this!

A trusty motion detection/sensor system for when you are away from the vicinity can also aid in the immediate response and reporting of any anomalous movement. Paired with a webcam set-up facing strategic access points, it will allow you to monitor all unauthorized activity on the premises.

You should also obscure the view of potential opportunists. Install blinds or one-way tinting to your windows if possible. Or you can discourage them altogether. Remove valuables and expensive appliances from outsiders’ direct line of sight. The last thing you want is to entice malicious elements to make your home a viable target for the burglary.


Key Takeaway

These incidents happen to the most unsuspecting people, so don’t be part of the statistic. Reach out to a trusted glass supplier; invest in making your burglar-proof your windows by installing shatterproof glass.

A little home security improvement, even just to the windows, spells the vast difference between a good night’s sleep, and a torturous night in the precinct reporting all your lost possessions and valuables.

Understanding Low-E Glass and Its Applications

Urban Scene Skyline Morning View Metropolis Concept

What is Low-E glass and what are its applications

  1. Low-E glass is an energy-efficient glass
  2. Low-E glass can make your home or building more comfortable
  3. There are two types of Low-E coatings


When it comes to glass, the type to be used for a given purpose is usually one of the last things people think about. Sure you have probably heard of bulletproof and tempered glass, but there is another type that is relatively unknown: Low-E glass. That being said, knowing what the nature of Low-E glass and its applications can be helpful when it comes to your endeavors that require the use of glass.

Before getting into the specific details and features of Low-E glass, it is important to first understand how sunlight works and how it can affect your home or any other building. Sunlight contains different forms of energy such as light and heat thanks to electromagnetic radiation. You can perceive some of this radiation within a spectrum as the light and colors you can see in a rainbow, but light also exists outside of that spectrum.

Other types of light that we can’t perceive but exist include infrared and ultraviolet light. Ultraviolet rays from the sun are what causes sunburns while you feel infrared radiation from sources of heat such as a fire, furnace, or oven. It is these three elements (visible light, infrared and ultraviolet) that Low-E glass and its applications are concerned with.


Low-E glass is an energy-efficient glass

Low E Glass Is An Energy Efficient Glass1

Now that you understand some of the basic concepts surrounding low-emissivity glass, the reason why it is considered to be an energy-efficient glass is that it minimizes the amount of infrared and ultraviolet light that passes through it, without affecting the amount of light that passes through.

This is thanks to an exceptionally thin layer of coating that is usually made from two or more layers of metal or metallic oxide. This is specifically made to block out unnecessary electromagnetic radiation. Low-E glass seeks to make any building have a consistent temperature by reflecting the interior temperature back inside while keeping ultraviolet and infrared rays out.


Low-E glass can make your home or building more comfortable

Since Low-E glass makes the temperature of buildings more consistent, a comfortable atmosphere is usually achieved when it is applied to windows and other openings that allow light to pass through. The most common window set-up is either a double or triple-glazed unit wherein two or more glass panes are separated by a spacer and a gas-filled space — argon, and krypton being the inert gas of choice. Gas is needed to prevent heat from escaping in air drafts.

Thanks to this kind of set-up, heat transfer is reduced and optimal thermal insulation is achieved — resulting in a more comfortable experience for the people inside the building regardless of whether it is sweltering or snowy outside.


There are two types of Low-E coatings

Sliding Glass Door Detail And Rail Embed In Floor

As mentioned above, low-emissivity glass relies on a thin coating of metal/metallic oxides to do the blocking of unwanted electromagnetic radiation. That being said, there are two kinds of Low-E coatings that you would do well to know.


Passive Low-E Coating

Passive Low-E coatings are made through the pyrolytic “hard-coat” process which produces a coating that is best used in very cold environments. The durable pyrolytic coating allows some of the sun’s short-wave infrared energy to pass through the glass, giving the building a form of “passive” natural heating. This helps you save money on electricity since you rely less on space heaters and other artificial heating methods.


Solar Control Low-E Coatings

If passive Low-E coating is made through the hard coat, pyrolytic process, then the solar control Low-E coating has the Magnetron Sputtering Vapor Deposition (MSVD) process. This coating, which is also called “soft-coat”, needs to be sealed in an insulated or laminated glass. What you’re getting with this coat when compared to the previous type of coating is superior resistance to the sun’s radiation.

It is for that exact reason why solar control Low-E is the preferred coating for cold to hot climates. Since it offers better UV and infrared protection it keeps buildings cooler and reduces air conditioning-related energy consumption.


Key Takeaway

If you are looking for a way to give your home or building better insulation and protection from the sun’s electromagnetic radiation, then Low-E glass can be a great option. With Low-E coating options available that are applicable for different climates, it is convenient regardless of your location.

When you’re trying to decide which window size, style, and design are best for your building, you should also consider the type of glass you are going to be using. Not only does Low-E glass provide practical use and protection, but it can also be a source of energy efficiency and savings.

How Shatterproof Glass is Made

How Shatterproof Glass Is Made

How is shatterproof glass made?

  1. The glass is cut to size, polished, and cleaned
  2. The glass is then further toughened
  3. Laminate interlayers are cut and applied to the glass
  4. The glass ‘sandwich’ is heated
  5. It is finally cleaned and trimmed


Shatterproof glass or laminated glass is one of the most used glass products in the world today. As a safety glass, it is used for a wide number of applications. You can commonly see it as automobile windshields, skylight glazing, curtain walls, and store windows. The reason for this is because when shatterproof glass is hit with a strong force, it doesn’t break into large, sharp pieces that can injure people. In fact, laminated glass will continue to stay in one piece even if it has been pierced or cracked multiple times.

Aside from its physical protection, it also protects people from harmful UV rays from the sun. Using the right materials during production can give it the potential to block 99.9% of all UV rays. Beyond its protective qualities, shatterproof glass is also good for sound insulation.

Having said all that, you may be curious as to how shatterproof glass is made. What makes it so averse to shattering and breaking? Continue reading because here is how shatterproof glass is made.


The initial glass is cut to size, polished, and cleaned

Laminated glass usually starts as normal sheets of glass that are cut to form a desired shape or size. This usually depends on a given client’s specifications or if it’s premade before selling, then a uniform rectangular shape is usually the go-to.  Once it is properly cut, the glass is polished and cleaned to ensure no impurities interfere with the whole process.


The glass is then further toughened

The Glass Is Then Further Toughened

After cleaning, the glass itself needs to be a bit tougher before undergoing the process that creates the shatterproof glass itself. To do that, it has to go through a process that involves minor heating and cooling that can be likened to ‘quenching’. Quenching makes the outer layer of the glass more compressed instead of remaining in tension. This process makes the glass a tad more resistant to breaking on its own.


Laminate interlayers are cut and applied to the glass

After quenching, an interlayer is cut and added per sheet. Interlayers, in this case, are elastomeric polymers such as EVA (Ethylene-vinyl acetate) or a strong binding resin such as PVB (Polyvinyl butyral) that is placed in between the glass during production. Using either material as an interlayer would allow the glass to remain bonded while broken — giving it the ‘shatterproof’ moniker.

After a couple of interlayers are added, the 2nd sheet of glass is placed on top, forming what seems like a glass ‘sandwich’. Consider this the shatterproof glass in its rawest form. The glass is held together using a mixture of clamps and tape.


The glass ‘sandwich’ is heated

Window Of Building With Tokyo Tower Background

In order to turn the raw glass sandwich into actual shatterproof glass, it has to be heated and compressed simultaneously. There are a number of ways to achieve this. One way to do this is by putting the glass through a ‘nip roller’. For bigger sheets of glass, another popular method involves putting the glass in a vacuum-sealed silicone bag then placed in an oven.

This process removes the air in-between the layers and allows the glass sheets to bond with the interlayer. It’s important to note here that this process is what produces that ‘spider web-like’ cracking pattern when shatterproof glass is cracked.


It is finally cleaned and trimmed

After the previous process of heating, what you’ll end up with is the final product. However, it still needs some touch-ups and quality control, which is why it has to be re-cleaned and trimmed. Cleaning in this sense pertains to wiping the surface and making sure that there are no blemishes that can be seen.

Trimming is done with a hot-knife tool to remove excess material from the sides of the glass. This is because of the processed interlayers that were heated, compressed, and eventually overflowed. After trimming, it is finally ready for use.


Key Takeaway

Understanding how shatterproof glass is made is important because it allows you to understand how the glass acquires the features it is known for. It also helps you know what kind of glass products are going to perfect for your purposes. Whether it’s for a new windshield or for hurricane-resistant glass, shatterproof or laminated glass could be the way to go.

Uses of Glass in Construction

Uses Of Glass In Construction

What are the uses of glass in construction?

  1. Traditional form and function
  2. Application advancement
  3. Transparent uses
  4. Outlook
  5. The different types of glass


All glass and aluminum suppliers in the Philippines will tell you that glass is being used in the building industry, whether it’s used to make conventional windows or structural members in new-age buildings. Glass is used in construction and for architectural purposes in engineering. With so many different properties and uses, you can definitely say that glass can be just as great as aluminum and steel. Here are some of the uses of glass as an ideal material for construction:


Traditional Form and Function

A glass is described as a transparent, sparkling, delicate, and illustrative material. It is one of the most useful and most interesting materials with more applications and installation techniques that are constantly in development. Glass is used in various methods during construction projects with an exact form and type.

The most familiar glass forms are fiberglass products that are being used for insulation and translucent panels, transparent blocks, and windows. Another is glass insulation, and it is typically installed as loose particles blown into cavities and ceilings used as specialized equipment.


Application Advancement

Application Advancement

Glass in its solid, float manufactured state really shines in construction and it is constantly being used in more and more construction projects. However, it requires more advanced installation methods. Prefabricated structural fiberglass panels make use of interlocks and adhesives in achieving engineering performance like of steel and wood elements. There are a lot of installation methods that have improved as well, such as frameless glazing utilizes specialized adhesives to hold glass panels against structural supports in place without an exposed framework. This leads to a smooth and continuous effect on a lot of buildings exteriors, floors, and facades.


Transparent Uses

The main property of glass is transparency which allows the vision of the outside world through it. The transparency of glass can either be from both sides or from one side only. In the recent forms of recent construction techniques, glass has always been utilized in making beams and columns.

It does not only look dramatic but also has an attractive compression and strength to weight ratio. Glass achieves its strength when loaded in compression. Post-tensioning techniques are used to ensure the structural elements of glass bear compressive loads.




The developments in the glass sector are not all limited to its classic properties, whether its energy savings and solar protection, but it can also improve and change its stability and surface. As the product versatility for glass increases, so does the need for architects, engineers, and building owners to consult with a glass protector.


Glass for Windows and Facades

The primary use for windows is to supply natural daylight, fresh air, and provide protection from rain, cold, and wind. These purposes which are characteristic for windows can be mostly achieved by means of special multifunctional designs.

Sophisticated window and facade systems combine different technical demands with the creative freedom of planning. The potential of glass is not only for increasing in transparency and quality of living, but it can also emphasize the vitality of reflecting surfaces and the presence of structures.


Types of Glass Used in Construction

Let’s discuss some of the different glasses that are broadly used for construction:

Soda Lime Glass

Soda Lime Glass or Float Glass is a mixture of sodium silicate and calcium silicate. It is smooth at low temperature and it can be blown or welded easily when infusion condition. It is colorless and it is mainly used for window panes and for the laboratory tubes and other apparatus.

Potash Lead Glass

A type of glass with a mixture of potassium silicate and lead silicate. Its properties possess bright luster and great refractive power. It is mostly used in the manufacturing of artificial gems, electric bulbs, and lenses.

Common Glass

A mixture of sodium, calcium, and iron silicate. It is brown, green, and yellow in color and mainly used for in manufacturing medicine bottles.

Shatterproof Glass

It is used for windows, skylights, floors etc. Some type of plastic polyvinyl butyral is added in the making process so it cannot form sharp-edged pieces when it breaks.

Double Glazed Units

This type of glass is made by providing an air gap between two glass panes in order to reduce heat loss and gain. Normal glass can cause an immense amount of heat gain and 30% of the loss of heat or air conditioning energy. Green, energy efficient glass can reduce this impact.

Special Glasses

Some properties of glasses can be suitably altered by changing basic ingredients and adding a few more ingredients. It is now emerged as a versatile material to meet any special requirement in engineering.


Key Takeaway

Most glass and aluminum suppliers in the Philippines will tell you that glass is a great material to use for construction purposes. With different types of glasses, transparent uses, and properties, glass is definitely a great material to use for buildings and other construction purposes.