Aluminum and Stainless Steel Supplier Philippines

How to Protect your Stainless Steel from Rust

How do you protect stainless steel from rust?

  1. Use Phosphoric and Acetic acid to remove rust on industrial-grade stainless steel
  2. Use baking soda and water to remove rust on stainless steel products
  3. Using protective coating and metal paint provides a barrier from rust
  4. Lubrication is great for moving stainless steel parts
  5. Regular cleaning and maintenance at home is effective in preventing rust


Wear and tear is a natural occurrence for almost anything tangible, especially for different kinds of metals. For metal, the most common form of deterioration comes in the form of rust, which is a form of iron oxide that causes corrosion. Rust tends to happen in a variety of locations, and to every type of metal. While stainless steel is a type of metal highly resistant to forms of corrosion, it can still be affected by rust without proper maintenance.

This can be a challenge, especially for your nearby stainless steel supplier in Metro Manila, as they would have to make sure on a daily basis that their stocks are not affected by rust or any forms of corrosion. The best way to combat rust is by finding the right solution on removing them if they occur and creating preventive measures to protect your stainless steel.


How to Remove Rust

When rust occurs on the surface of stainless steel, that means that the protective chromium oxide layer has corroded. This means that you would need to immediately fix this surface, as rust can weaken steel to the point of brittleness and disuse. Rust can be caused by a number of substances present near the area, including, acid, cleaning agents, or simply prolonged exposure to salt water and warm air.

Some of the best ways to remove rust on your stainless steel surface are by using either Phosphoric or Acetic Acid. These two types of acid can cause iron oxide to dissolve on the surface, without compromising the integrity of the stainless steel itself. It can take a significant amount of time for the acid to do their work, but rust will fully be removed once the process has been accomplished. After exposing your stainless steel surfaces with acid, it is best to clean them using distilled deionized water.

Another method that you can use for stainless steel products in your home is by using a mixture of 2 cups of water and 1 tablespoon of baking soda. After creating the mixture, rub it on the rusted surface using a toothbrush or sponge and wipe the surface with a paper towel or cloth. If successful, you will be able to see the rust come off, while the product remains undamaged.


How to Protect Against Rust

There are many ways to protect your stainless steel against rust, and some of these methods require a set of substances and tools to ensure that iron oxide would not be able to damage the stainless steel surface. Before establishing the right preventive measure to use to protect against rust, the first thing you need to determine is if the stainless steel is for industrial or home use. Protective measures in industrial-grade stainless steel can sometimes not apply to home methods, as your stainless steel supplier in Metro Manila would use these measures to ensure that they deliver quality products.

For industrial-grade stainless steel, the best way to prevent rust is by applying special protective coatings that would shield iron oxide away from the surface. These protective coatings are easy to apply and are usually water or oil-based, making it easy to clean, maintain, and apply again if needed. Metal paint is another protective measure you can use for industrial stainless steel, as it also forms a barrier against rust, while also providing a smooth and clean surface. However, one of the main issues of using metal paint is that it can chip off easily after a certain period of time, which means that it the stainless steel surface must be regularly re-coated with paint.

Lubrication and galvanized steel are also industry-standard practices that protect stainless steel from rust. Lubrication is mostly used for moving parts, bearings, and joints, and ensure that they are kept in good working order. Galvanized steel, meanwhile, provides an additional metal layer that strengthens the metal, and protects it from rust. However, galvanization is a delicate process that requires trained personnel to accomplish.

To prevent rust from affecting your stainless steel products at home, you would need to keep them constantly cleaned and polished using non-acidic solutions in order to keep them away from rust. Alkaline water is also a good cleaning solution, as they do not contain any harmful elements that can cause rust to occur on the surface. For the right tools, stainless steel pads are the best polishing tools to keep your surface clean and well-maintained.


Key Takeaway

Rust can happen to any kind of metal, including stainless steel. This is why it is best to establish preventive measures that will help protect your stainless steel surface from rust and corrosion. By using these handy and effective protective and preventive, measures, you can guarantee that you would be able to avoid rust from happening to your stainless steel.